Job Interview Guide


To me, the most important part of the interview guide we created is the technical interview portion. From my experience, knowing the concepts we mentioned and that will determine whether or not you actually get the job. If you have a strong grasp on all the concepts, however, you are likely to do well and secure the job.

Another portion of our interview guide that I thought was important was improving your resume. Because companies have thousands of applicants to weed out before you can even get to the interview. Having a clean, wholesome resume that efficiently highlights your experience is crucial to hearing back from your potential employer. Jumping on this, I wish that I knew how important networking is to employers. Even if it’s not at a career fair, just emailing a recruiter to ask for help in the process goes a long way. I have applied to hundreds of jobs before realizing this. Since I started emailing recruiters, the response rate has increased dramatically.

I do not believe Notre Dame should adjust their curriculum to the job interview process. Realistically, all we should care about is learning the material and making sure we have a well rounded education in computer science. If we do not do well in the job interview process at least we can take comfort knowing once we do get a job we will be able to do great things. That, ultimately, is the most important thing.

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